About The Labiaplasty Training Institute

Though it was formally incorporated in 2017, The Labiaplasty and Vaginoplasty Training Institute of America, Inc™ (LaVaTI™) traces its genesis back to about 2009, when Dr. Goodman first began offering his formalized program to gynecologists, urogynecologists, plastic surgeons and cosmetic surgeons.
It started as a personalized, one-on-one program held at his offices in Davis, California combining didactic material with close observation of actual surgical procedures. This was the progenitor for the present version, fondly nicknamed “LaVaTI™.
The original idea for offering labiaplasty training was generated by the hundreds of unintentional and avoidable female genital mutilations that Dr. Goodman and his colleagues were increasingly observing. Most arose from the work of otherwise well-trained Board Certified ob-gyns who had received absolutely no training in plastic surgery technique, aesthetic reduction of robust labia/hood, or vaginal floor work for the express purpose of improving sexual friction and pleasure.
These surgeons apparently thought themselves able to take their skills at labial amputation and posterior colporrhaphy into the aesthetic arena, but were in fact woefully ill equipped for such intricate, specialized work. The result was many unhappy patients impacted by mutilations and ready to file malpractice suits.
The Institute was formed to provide proper labiaplasty training that would allow surgeons to succeed in the emerging field of Genital Plastics, as well as to help women safely achieve their aesthetic goals. It also freed surgeons from the tethers of present-day managed care practices by incorporating a fee-for-service model to their practice. The Institute allows a reproducible, formalized training program coupling one-on-one contact with an approachable, experienced and innovative surgeon and a well-experienced and knowledgeable staff partner.
The Institute is a California corporation. It has been evaluated and certified in a joint providership partnership arrangement with Medical Education Resources of Englewood, Colorado to provide (at no extra fee) up to 14.5 units of Category 1 AMA PRE credits.
About the Labiaplasty Training Course
The labiaplasty training course has evolved and improved over the last 10 years into its present sustainable 2-day format incorporating both didactic and clinical teaching. It covers patient acquisition/marketing; patient selection; patient expectations; patient and physician protection; pertinent anatomy and procedure design; viewing surgeries close-up and in real-time through narrated, over-the-surgeon’s-shoulder professional videos. The videos encompass labiaplasty in all its forms, perineal reconstruction, and vaginal reconstruction (vaginoplasty) procedures. Instruction is provided in labia majoraplasty, hymenoplasty and the O-Shot™ (Dr. Goodman is a Certified O-Shot™ instructor). Additional uses of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and proper use of fractional CO2 laser and RF energy round out the course. (See “Prospectus” under Course Information).

Every aspect of the course is usable, reproducible information. It is designed to give the practitioner the ability to become a self-sustaining independent practitioner and to succeed in the field of aesthetic gynecology. Dr. Goodman’s goal is to provide useful training in all aspects of this emerging sub-specialty.
One of the most unique, useful, and exciting aspects of the course is the opportunity for candid one-on-one conversations and the generous sharing of information, pearls and techniques from Dr. Goodman and Ms. Sanders-Pardi to the trainees and any of their office staff members who attend.
Training is held in Sacramento at the Homewood Suites Hotel, a 5-minute drive away from Sacramento International Airport.
The location of the training has been specifically chosen for easy access. While some attendees fly in the night before the course begins and leave the morning after, the course timetable is designed to allow attendees to take an early flight in on Friday and leave mid-evening Saturday, minimizing time away from their practices and families. A block of rooms are reserved for all three nights, or attendees can choose to stay for only one or two, as individually desired. Our facilities allow for intimate A-V viewing of course materials, as well as informal questions and deviation from the routine as individually appropriate. Dr. Goodman always makes time for individual questions and comments.
About Dr. Goodman

Michael P. Goodman, MD, FACOG, AAACS, NCMP, IF, CCD, has actively practiced in the field of women’s health and surgery since completing his training in Ob-Gyn at Stanford University and affiliated hospitals in 1972. Dr. Goodman was personally trained in advanced operative laparoscopy by Professor Kurt Semm in 1981, and was the senior author of the first U.S. series on advanced surgical laparoscopy in 1984. Along with Drs. Harry Reich and Camran Nezhat, Dr. Goodman was among the first surgeons to perform laparoscopic hysterectomy in 1983, and previously held one-on-one training courses in advanced operative laparoscopy (similar to his present training in genital plastics) in the 1980s.
Dr. Goodman’s practice in the late 80s and 1990s was focused on infertility and operative endoscopy, but in the 1990s he became interested and intimately involved in the fields of sexual medicine and menopausal medicine. He became one of the first U.S. Certified Menopause Practitioners in the mid-1990s and one of the first ISSWSH fellows in the field of Sexual Medicine several years later.
Dr. Goodman’s career in genital aesthetics began in the late 1990s (his first labiaplasty was in 1997). By 2005 he had performed more than 50 genital cosmetic procedures, becoming an Associate of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery in 2010. He began teaching training courses in the U.S. in 2009 and has trained surgeons for the European College of Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery (as Senior Faculty) and other U.S., South American, Asian and European Societies for several years. As of 2020, Dr. Goodamn has performed over 1000 female genital cosmetic surgical procedures.

A sought-after faculty member and keynote speaker, he has lectured on four continents for diverse aesthetic and surgical organizations. He is both editor and a major contributor to the first medical textbook on genital plastics (“Female Genital Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery”, Wiley-Blackwell, 2016), has contributed textbook chapters for other books, and is the lead author for eight contributions to the first-line literature on genital aesthetics from 2007 to 2017.
In other fields, Dr. Goodman is the author of two popular consumer books on menopause, and has contributed to the literature in the fields of family-centered childbirth, menopausal medicine, advanced laparoscopic surgery, and risk management. He is in the private, independent, fee-for-service practice of integrative menopausal and sexual medicine, vulvar pain, and genital aesthetics in Davis, California, a college community (University of California) located 20 miles west of Sacramento in Northern California, USA. Dr. Goodman also holds an appointment as an Assistant Clinical Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, California Northstate University School of Medicine.
Awards and Publications
Special Awards
Best Labiaplasty and Clitoral Hood Reduction of the year, 2016/2017. Award from the International Society of Cosmetogynecology (ISCG).
Best Revision Labiaplasty of the year, 2017/2018. Award from the International Society of Cosmetogynecology.
- The Midlife Bible, A Woman’s Survival Guide (Popular book, Robert Reed, 2007)
- MEN-opause: The Book For Men (Popular book, Robert Reed, 2008)
- You Want To Do WHAT? Where?? All You Ever Wanted To Know About Genital Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery (Popular book, Amazon, 2014)
- Female Genital Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery. (Medical textbook; Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK, 2016)
Contributions to Literature
Relating to the field of genital plastics (Dr. Goodman has several other contributions to literature in other disciplines)
- “Is Elective Vulvar Plastic Surgery Ever Warranted and What Screening Should Be Conducted Preoperatively?” Goodman, M.P., Bachman G., Johnson, C, Fourcroy, J, Goldstein, A, et al, Journal of Sexual Medicine 2007, 4:269-276.
- Goodman MP: Commentary on “An Unusual Staged Labial Rejuvenation” Di Saia JP, Journal of Sexual Medicine 2008;5:1263-67.
- “Female Cosmetic Genital Surgery”, Goodman MP. Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2009;113:154-159.
- “Female Genital Plastic Surgery: A Large Multi-Centered Outcome Study.” Goodman, M P., Placik, O, Benson, R, Matlock, D., Jason, R., Moore, R., et. al., Journal of Sexual Medicine 2010;7:1565-77.
- “Female Genital Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery: A Review”, Goodman, M.P., Journal of Sexual Medicine 2011;8 1813-1825.
- “Psychological, Sexual, and Body Image Health of Women Requesting Genital Plastic/Cosmetic Surgery”, Goodman MP, Brotto L Fashler, S. American Journal Cosmetic Surgery, 2011;28:4.
- “Cosmetic Gynecology and the Elusive Quest for the ‘Perfect’ Vagina, Goodman, MP. Letter to the Editor, Obstetrics and Gynecology 2012;120.
- “Evaluation of Body Image and Sexual Satisfaction in Women Undergoing Female Genital Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery.” Goodman MP, Placik O, Matlock D, Simopoulos A, Veale D, Dalton T, Hardwick-Smith S. Aesthetic Surgery Journal. April, 2016.
- “Consistently Inconsistent: Interest in sexual Function,” Goodman, MP, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, June, 2016.
- “Commentary on: A Retrospective Study of the Psychological Outcomes of Labiaplasty. Goodman, MP Aesthetic Surgery Journal, March 2017.
Keynote Addresses and Faculty Positions
- “A Large Outcome Study of Female Genital Plastic Surgery,” presented at the Academy of Cosmetic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Orlando FL, Feb 2009.
- “Female Genital Plastic Surgery”, presentation to the Northern California Ob/Gyn Society, 16 September, 2009, Sacramento, CA.
- “A Large Outcome Study of Female Genital Plastic Surgery,” presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health, 20 Feb. 2010, St. Petersburg, FL.
- “Female Genital Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery,” invited presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Sexual Medicine Society of North America, Miami, November, 2010.
- “Female Genital Plastic Surgery: Ethical Considerations, Training Guidelines, Definitions and Nomenclature.” Presented at American Academy of Cosmetic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Orlando FL, 1/26/2010.
- “The Need for Pre-operative Screening for Sexual Dysfunction Prior to Vaginal Tightening Procedures.” Presented at AACS, Orlando, FL, 1/26/10.
- “Sexual, Psychological and Body Image Health of Women Requesting Genital Plastic/Cosmetic Surgery: A Pilot Study,” Presentation at ISCG “Global Symposium on Cosmetic Vaginal Surgery, Las Vegas, Sept 2010.
- “Sexual, Psychological and Body Image Health of Women Requesting Genital Plastic/Cosmetic Surgery: A Pilot Study,” presented at the annual meeting of the Int’l Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health, Scottsdale AZ, Feb. 2011.
- “Female Genital Plastic/Cosmetic Surgery: A Review,” Presentation at The First World Congress of Female and Male Genital Plastic Surgery, Las Vegas NV, October, 2011.
- “Modified V-Wedge and Sculpted Linear Resection: A Comparison of Surgical Techniques,” presentation at The First World Congress of Female and Male Genital Plastic Surgery, Las Vegas NV, October, 2011.
- “The Responsibility of the Genital Plastic/Cosmetic Surgeon,” Keynote Address at the 6th Annual Congress on Aesthetic Vulvovaginal Surgery, Tucson, AZ Nov. 2011.
- “The Modified V-Wedge Surgical Technique for Cosmetic Labiaplasty,” presented at the 6th Annual Congress (as above), November, 2011.
- “The Responsibility of the Aesthetic Vaginal Surgeon: A Hands-on Presentation,” Invited Guest Lecture at the First Pan-Asian Congress on Cosmetogynecology, Seoul, South Korea, December, 2011.
- “Linear Resection vs. V-Wedge: A Comparison of Techniques,” Invited Guest Lecturer at First Pan-Asian Congress (as above), Seoul, S. Korea, Dec. 2011.
- “After the Headlines: The Present State of Hormone Therapy” Presentation given to Medical Staffs in Portland, OR; Redding; Modesto; Fresno; Roseville; Sacramento, CA 2010, 2011, 2012. (Sponsored by Novogyne Pharmaceuticals).
- “The Evolution of Aesthetic Vaginal Surgery: A Literature Review and Present State of Affairs.” Presentation at the 2012 Congress on Aesthetic Vaginal Surgery (“CAVS”), October 20, 2012, Las Vegas, NV.
- “The Physiology behind Vaginal Tightening Operations,” presentation at CAVS, October 21, 2012, Las Vegas.
- “How to be Successful in Genital Plastics,” presentation at CAVS, October 21, 2012, Las Vegas.
- “Sexual and Body Image Health of Women Completing Genital Plastic/Cosmetic Surgery: The VASE 2 Study.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of The International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health, New Orleans, March, 2013.
- “Body Image and Sexual Considerations in Women Completing Genital Plastic/Cosmetic Procedures: The VASE 2 Study.” Presented at the 11th Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress, Monte Carlo, Monaco, April, 2013.
- “Alternative Methods of Labiaplasty: The Modified V-Wedge vs. the Sculpted Linear Resection.” Presented at the 11th Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress, Monte Carlo, Monaco, April, 2013.
- “Standards of Care for Female Genital Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery” Presented at the Annual Congress of Aesthetic Vaginal Surgery, Las Vegas, NV, September, 2013.
- “Comparing the Linear vs. V-wedge Procedures for Labiaplasty and Hood Reduction.” Presented at the Annual Congress of Aesthetic Vaginal Surgery, Las Vegas, NV, Sept. 2013.
- “The Evolution of Female Genital Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery.” Presented at the 12th Annual Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress, Monte Carlo, Monaco, April, 2014.
- “The Biomechanics of Vaginal Tightening Operations: Why They Work.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health, Austin TX, February 2015.
- “Final Report of the VASE-2 Study of Body Image and Sexuality in Women Selecting and Undergoing Genital Plastic/Cosmetic Surgery,” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health, Austin TX, February 2015.
- “Elective Female Genital Plastic/Cosmetic Surgery: “Never;” “Under Selected Circumstances;’” “Why Not.” The “Great Debate” at the Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society, Montreal Canada, October, 2015.
- “Evaluation of Body Image and Sexual Satisfaction in Women Undergoing Female Genital Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery.” Keynote Address at the First World Congress of the European Society of Aesthetic Gynecology,” Rome, Italy, April, 2016.
- “Different Techniques for Labiaplasty and Clitoral Hood Reduction: How to Choose the Right Procedure for the Right Patient for the Right Reasons.” Address at the First World Congress of the European Society of Aesthetic Gynecology,” Rome, Italy, April, 2016
- “Global Trends in Aesthetic Gynecology: Are We Helping Women?” Keynote address, delivered at European College of Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery, “International Summit on Aesthetic Gynecology,” Cannes, France, September 9, 2016.
- “The Biomechanics and Physiology behind Vaginal Tightening Operations: Why They Work” European College of Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery, “International Summit on Aesthetic Gynecology,” Cannes, France, September 9, 2016.
- “Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy in menopause: age Management Medicine.” European College of Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery, “International Summit on Aesthetic Gynecology,” Cannes, France, September 9, 2016.
- “Non-surgical considerations regarding sexual function and dysfunction when counselling genital plastic patients” European College of Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery, “International Summit on Aesthetic Gynecology,” Cannes, France, September 9, 2016.
- “Performance of the Vaginal Rejuvenation procedures of Perineoplasty and Vaginoplasty in-office under local tumescent anesthesia,” invited lecture, 10th Congress, International Society of Cosmetogynecology, San Diego, CA, February 7, 2017.
- “Clinical differences between Linear/Trim and V-Wedge modifications and the “rules” for proper performance.” invited lecture, 10th Congress, International Society of Cosmetogynecology, San Diego, CA, February 6, 2017.
- “Rules for Successful Performance of Surgical Labiaplasty.” Invited presentation at the 11th World Congress of the International Society of Cosmetogynecology, Las Vegas, NV, 29 January, 2018.
- “How to Perform a True Vaginal Tightening Operation” As above, 30 January, 2018.
About Nicole Sanders-Pardi

Nicole has worked with Dr. Goodman since 2002, beginning as a newly-trained medical assistant and rising through the ranks to her present role as Office Manager and Patient Care Coordinator, which she has held for the past 6 years. Nicole has spent hundreds of hours communicating with patients about genital plastic procedures (surgical and non-surgical), including fractional CO2 laser, RF, the O-Shot™ and other uses of PRP.
Nicole has personally undergone genital plastic surgery, and has either scrubbed or circulated on more than 600 procedures, making her an invaluable resource: there is no procedure that Dr. Goodman provides that she has not observed. She is smart, kind, informed and experienced, and is armed with pearls of wisdom involving patient selection and preparation, risk-avoidance, office personnel training, and more. She is Dr. Goodman’s right-hand woman and has always been an integral part of his training program.